martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

The universe is really in us?

While I was wandering through the same APP which I refer to in my post named Why fear solitude? I find another quote that captured my attention. This time the quote reads "To describe myself in a scientific way, I must also describe my surroundings, which is a clumsy way of getting around to the realization that you are the entire universe." it was said by Alan Watts. -Again, I didn't knew who the author was so I did a quick search, Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker.- So now back to the quote; to be honest I have never really understand why some people says that we are made of the universe, and as an astronomy lover I feel intrigued. While I was looking for more information about it I find a beautiful, well made and interesting video that somehow explains it. So, why not share it will all of you? Here it is, enjoy!

After watching it, I understand that statement some people say; "We are all made of the universe." And I think that yes, in fact the universe is in us. Now, what do you think about it? As stated in the video, do you feel small because the universe is immense or you feel big because you are made by the atoms that came from those stars? Me? Well, somehow I feel connected and complete.

A BIG psychological hug, R.M

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Yellow Flicker Beat

"Yellow Fickler Beat" the song by Lorde for The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 is finally released! *heart attack* Enjoy! 

A BIG psychological hug, R.M.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Liebster Award!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Lissie R. from The Wish List: Living blog a few weeks ago (You can read why I didn't answer them right away in the previous post). Thank you so much for the nomination Lissie! I love your answer and I hope you enjoy mines. :)

1. What's the one blog you have to read every day?

I would definitely say Humans Of New York.

2. What are the top 3 places that you've visited?

  • Grandmas home.
  • Disney World Orlando, Florida.
  • A near forest called "Guajataca"

3. Where would you go on your dream holiday?

My favorite holiday is Christmas and I just love to spend it here in Puerto Rico with my family but I would love to spend a winter in Alaska.

4. Savory or sweet food?


5. If you could only watch one TV series for a year, which would it be?

Mmm... Grey's Anatomy. Oh, me dear Jason/Jackson. xD <3

6. Is there a saying or quote that you try to libe by?

There are too much that I can't recall right now, but the one I was thinking of a few days ago says 
"Don't think of yourself as a body with a soul, but as a soul with a body."

7. If you should create your own lipstick, what  color would it be and what would you call it?

I don't really use any type of make up. So I have no idea. :@

8. What is the one fashion item that you can't live without?

Vans does count as an item? xD

9. Who is your biggest inspiration in life?

I won't say I'm inspired by any specific person because I try to learn and practice at least one good thing from everyone that I admire. So the person I admire the most is my mom.

10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I can't even think where I would be in 2 years because inmediately the stress take over me. :@

And the nominees are... da da da dannn...!:


My questions are:

1. How did you choose the name of your blog?
2. Favorite Holiday?
3. Favorite food?
4. Name one blog that you have to read everyday?
5. Have you read my blog before?
6. Favorite quote?
7. What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment so far?
8. What's your favorite thing about your mom?
9. Do you remember the happiest moment of your life? Tell us about it.
10. What are you thinking about?
11. What's your biggest goal in life?

The Rules:

* You must write 11 facts about you.
* You must link back the person who tagged you.
* You must answer all of my questions.
* You must come up with ten other questions on your own.
* You must tag 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers.
* You must let me know when you answer the questions.
* Enjoy and have fun!

A BIG psychological hug, R.M

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Liebster Award

    I have been nominee for the Liebster Award three times! Ok so I have been nominee by Lissie R first a few weeks ago but because of my lack of time I didn’t answer the question right away. In the mean time I received more comments and two of them were other nominations. The second one was from Emily Jane and the third one from Shannon Michelle (in the order of which they nominee me) I was going to do a one single post of a mix of few of your questions because was I thinking that I couldn’t been nominee more than once and I’m so grateful with all of you. But I was looking for the rules of the Liebster Award and I read that you can actually being nominee at least 11 times. So I will be able to answer all of the question of every one of you girls. Yay! Okay, now that I have explain it let’s get to it. 

(I will answer the questions in three different post, of course, in the order that I have been nominee. I’m sorry if there is a period of time between each of them but as I said, I have been so busy. But I promise I will do them all. Okay, that was a long-explanation-and-some-kind-of-boring paragraph.) Let’s get started! 


A BIG psychological hug, R.M.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

"The Mockingjay Lives"

For those of us fans of The Hunger Games, it seems like we have been waiting years for this, but finally The Hunger Games: Mockingjay trailer is here! Cry, jump, scream but mostly enjoy this preview of one of the most awaited movie of the year. 

A BIG psychological hug, R.M

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

Every Day

Yesterday while I was reading Every Day by David Levithan there was a line that caught my attention, today I decide to share it here with all of you. 

A BIG psychological hug, R.M

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

It's time for a puppy video!

I just play this over 5 times, so definitely I have to share it with all of you. THIS IS SO ADORABLE AND HILARIOUS. Okay, sorry for the caps lock. xD Enjoy!

A BIG psychological hug, R.M.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

Little Black & White Road Tag

So last Labor Day weekend in our boredom and laziness my dearest friend of Little White Road and I decided to make a question tag of our own, we agree to call it Little Black And White Road (Creative isn't it?) xD Well, here is our recompilation of fast-to-answer-but-yet-interesting questions:

1. Do you like Youtube?


2. Favorite flower?

White rose. <3

3. Wavy or straight hair?

Wavy hair.

4. Are you a very open or private person?

This is too personal... xD

5. Contemporary or science fiction books?


6. What or whom do you miss right now?

Emmy .-.

7. What is your song of the moment?

Kingdom of Heaven (A New Age Dawns Part V) ~ Epica

8. Are you afraid of dying?

Why fear something inevitable?

9. Heels or flats?

Vans :3

10. What are five things you want to do before you die?

    - Travel around the world.
    - See an Aurora Borealis.
    - Share all my love with an Irish wolfhound dog. <3
    - Visit a Dark Sky Park.
    - Jump out of a parachute.

11. How many languages can you speak?

1.5 xD

12. What brand logo is closest to you currently?

Sony Vaio logo.

13. Mac or Pc?

I've never had a Mac so...

14. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favotite?

Yes! Chess is my passion.

15. Are you into fashion?

Not really. :s

16. What is your desktop background currently?

17. What country would you like to visit?

Alaska, New Zealand, Finland, and every single one across the world.

Go check her answers! -----> Little White Road 
Thanks for reading!
A BIG psychological hug, R.M