martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

The universe is really in us?

While I was wandering through the same APP which I refer to in my post named Why fear solitude? I find another quote that captured my attention. This time the quote reads "To describe myself in a scientific way, I must also describe my surroundings, which is a clumsy way of getting around to the realization that you are the entire universe." it was said by Alan Watts. -Again, I didn't knew who the author was so I did a quick search, Alan Wilson Watts was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker.- So now back to the quote; to be honest I have never really understand why some people says that we are made of the universe, and as an astronomy lover I feel intrigued. While I was looking for more information about it I find a beautiful, well made and interesting video that somehow explains it. So, why not share it will all of you? Here it is, enjoy!

After watching it, I understand that statement some people say; "We are all made of the universe." And I think that yes, in fact the universe is in us. Now, what do you think about it? As stated in the video, do you feel small because the universe is immense or you feel big because you are made by the atoms that came from those stars? Me? Well, somehow I feel connected and complete.

A BIG psychological hug, R.M

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